Wednesday 8 June 2016

The YouShop magic

It has been a six days now since YouShop sent my parcel from the U.S. I should have updated this last night but sometimes there are more important things to do. For instance I am writing this on my phone from hospital. I am fine, but my dad is having his dose of chemo which will take five hours. He has defied the odds and I am going to make sure he continues to defy the odds.

The parcel cleared customs in one day. Was released by customs the same day for dispatch. This Morning, at about 2am NZT, it was processed at the Auckland depot. I know this because, much like Amazon, YouShop too has a great tracking feedback. There are some caveats though. The emails are fast but the website update is delayed. Also the detailed tracking is not on by default but rather you have to enable it for you package. Although it reports that my package has been processed, the delivery time still says 15 June. Surely they can deliver now? Especially considering the address it is going to is a business address. Business addresses normally have a delivery time of  "by 9am next business day".

None the less, it is incredible how today we can see exactly where our purchase is at any time. This absolutely is the YouShop magic. Now I just have to see when the package arrives!

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