Digital Creations

Collection of images I have created through learning and experimenting with graphics programs over the  years. Some of you might like this but please do not take them without permission.

Binary sinewave.
Created in 2010. More experimentation's with GIMP filters.

New S-Cogs.
Created using Inkscape. Imported into GIMP. Effects added through GIMP.

Not sure what to call this. I am thinking "Gravity Wormhole." Another one I found on my hard drive, this one created in 2010 using GIMP. Starburst was used once again but I applied a filter to it with embossing on a different layer sitting behind the globe layer, the final was saved by flattening. I forgot what filter was used on starbust but it created the wormhole like effect as the background. Enjoy.

I call this "Pulsar Gamma Ray Burst". I like space objects. Usually this becomes the theme for creating stuff. This was made in 2009. Enjoy.

The Orb.
I was having fun with Graphics Editing so I figured, lets augment an actual camera shot with a GIMP Image editor generated object. The result is an Orb entering through the door! Look, I am touching it!

An Extra solar planet. What is this planet? There is a hole in its centre! What happened there? Don't know what my mind comes up with sometimes when I am experimenting with graphics software.

Something I created as my facebook banner. The background is a screenshot from the DVD of  the movie "The Shadow". I wish they would make more Shadow movies, big 'The Shadow' fan here.

A combination of a Nyquist plot and Secant lines. With the Magic of GIMP's Bump mapping filters etc it now looks like some ancient artifact from a long lost advanced civilization. Maybe this could be the next crop circle. Another year 2010 Graphics adventure.
Best seen when downloaded and viewed full screen, since there are very tiny details on it.

Gravity Spheres.
I saw this on the History channel talking about gravity, and black holes. I liked it so I decided to draw it in GIMP. Another one done in year 2010. Came out quite well.

M.C. Chrome.
My Initials in Chrome. After finding a bunch of photos on my hard drive, i got motivated to play with graphics again. This one is done using Corel's PaintShop Pro X.
Raavi font used to generated the Letters and period. Beveled edges for Text applied. Bevel edge applied to the entire text and then illuminated with lighting. Chrome filter was then applied, and lastly, a soft-focus filter applied.

Space Invaders!
Inspired by Tomohiro Nishikado who, while working for Taito, created Space invaders. Teenagers tend to call them "Spaceys".
Built using Gimp and Paint Shop Pro X.

I call this Apophis, named after the NEO(Near Earth Object) scheduled to graze, if not hit earth, cos it kinda looks like a mean angry asteroid.
Was fiddling with the features of GIMP about 2008-2009. Using the sphere maker I created an interesting sphere. I then applied some bump mapping, and then stretched it. I then used some other image filters to create the star. Strange when you are blindly fiddling with stuff, you come up with something fascinating. Dunno, some people might like it.

I call this "Code Spy". A bit Geekish, but looks like someone trying to read programming code with a magnifying glass. The code is C++.

Created using GIMP version 2.6.
Designed a textured sphere using Sphere Designer. Bump-Mapped the texture on the sphere.
Used "Line Nova" filter to add 200 lines.
To create the pattern, used bump map filter again but with X and Y offsets which created the interference patterns(bit like a diffraction grating). Result was a magnetic field line like effect.

Microsoft Free Zone
This was done a very long time ago using GIMP, circa year 2000.
NOTE: This does not in any way infer anything about the mentioned branding. This was only made out of excitement of using a new OS at that time and the content included were popular for the OS at the time, it means little else.
I was learning linux and bought Redhat 7.0 from Doctor Floppy in Auckland(later I learnt the distros are free so I downloaded them from then on). The "Linux user parking" sign was also a thumb image used on Doctor Floppy's website to sell the sign. The other logo in the image is already self credited as being from linuxjournal.
In looking for a "cool" wall paper for my linux KDE desktop and not able to find one, I made this!
References Images sourced from:
Doctor Floppy(Auckland, New Zealand). Linux user parking.
Doctor Floppy(Auckland, New Zealand). Penguin logo.

Linux Journal. Bumper sticker graphic: In a world without fences, who needs GATES?

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