A friend has been working with it and invited me to have a play and I can tell you it is an experience that no amount of video recording of it can do it justice. It really has to be experienced to be appreciated. In the video I have attached below, I have made an attempt to try to best show that experience.
Lets expand on the wording above, "On top of the real world you have virtual world objects". Through the glass of Hololens, the virtual objects no longer feel like that they don't belong there. They do not feel like they are "on top" of the real world. The virtual objects actually look like they are a part of the real world! The only thing missing is the ability to touch and feel it -Hologlove perhaps? There is even a game on it and I can say that Hololens really brought that game to life. That game aside, thinking of what Hololens can do for games is mind blowing. Imagine a detective game where your living room could be your virtual office one scene, and a crime scene in another. Your sofa could be host to a clue, your coffee table holding virtual evidence. What about those "arm chair explorers"? The kind who would sit and browse through a traditional atlas, wondering what's out there. Turn your living room into a living travel guide!
The imagination is unlimited and this is where Hololens shines above just VR(Virtual reality). For one you can see where you are going so you don't bump into things. Using real space as the backdrop to overlay content. Where VR differs from augmented reality hologram based Hololens is that with VR you are completely in a virtual world. With Hololens, you bring the virtual world into the real world but only through the glasses. Both have its advantages, however I feel that Hololens has a much wider range of applications simply because of its ability to bring virtual objects into the real world space. Holo meetings, real estate applications with clients walking with you through an actual property but by sitting comfortably in their living rooms.
The future is amazing! It is a great time to be alive because you can be part of one of two groups. You can sit back and enjoy the magic that is presented to you, or, you can be part of helping develop more magic.
Hololens shows how amazing we can make our futures!
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