Sunday, 15 May 2016

DOOM is BACK -Review

Ladies and Gentleman....


Let me tell you, the Doom Marine is totally angry at the return of Hell. Wouldn't you be after fighting hordes of demons on mars then later saving the planet from the same hell spawn, going to hell and dispersing the Icon of sin. After all that only to be brought back sometime in the future and find THEY ARE BACK.

I don't want to add spoilers by mentioning level specific stuff but I do want to talk about the game with enough detail to make it a review. Lets focus on some comparisons...

Original Doom: Fighting hordes of monsters.
Doom 4: CHECK.
Original Doom: Favourite shotgun moments.
Doom 4: CHECK.
Original Doom: Lonely atmosphere
Doom 4: CHECK
Original Doom: Feeling of wide open spaces when looking out of (best for then resources) windows.
Doom 4: CHECK
Original Doom: No place to hide (it did not even have crouch option!) but can fall back.
Doom 4: CHECK (except unlike original, here the Ai will chase you down).
Original Doom: In your face, take no prisoners, adrenalin pumping violence.

The other addition of course is a welcome addition, the "Glory Kill". I like to just call it "Rip n Tear" like the Mod for classic doom.

Notice I have not covered the weapon mods and other "modern shooter" stuff because virtually every shooter these days have it, so whats so unique about mentioning them? No, this is DOOM and it needs to be compared to how "doomy" it is.

There were a lot of monotonous stuff in the original doom, in fact there are a lot of monotonous stuff in real life. When you drive a car you push the same pedals. When you ride a bike, go for a run, eat food, you perform the exact same actions particular to each of the event. So why should the rip n tear be any different! Its not the fact that at some point you are seeing the rip n tear animations you have seen before, its the fact it is there and adds to the fun of the whole thing. THAT is what matters and that is what made the classic doom rip n tear mod so much more fun over the original.

The essence of any review for this new Doom should be only that how much of the original doom does it capture and how  much of its own character does it add to improve upon the original doom so that it can become the new classic doom. So far in my play I can say it captures a lot of the original doom and certainly has things worthy of conversation with other fellow doomers. You have been here before haven't you? That's right, you have been here in 1993 and 1994. After playing Doom and Doom 2, at each level, you had talking points with friends. If you did not come from that era then this Doom stands out from other shooters in its own way. It brings a huge amount of violence with your protagonist at super human speeds in an environment unlike anything. An environment that portrays a christian version of demons and hell. It stands out from other shooters.

Doom 3 tried to capture the horror aspect of classic doom, it did but at the sacrifice of having it look like Aliens with demonic sounds. The original doom was scary but in a fun way which Doom 3 never captured. An equation I feel Doom 4 gets right from the very start of the level. I see a lot of "tongue in cheek" moments on things people hated about Doom 3 which the Doom Marine also hates in Doom 4. He visibly and violently shows it in the way Doom 3 players wished they could...nice! There are many inferences to the original, especially at the very start if you know what to look for and put all the hints together in the first few moments of the opening (up to and including suiting up).

This game is still 11/10 for me and helps me forget Doom 3 ever happened. For me now, it was Doom, Doom 2,  Final doom for some, and then, with nothing else but mods in between, the jump straight to Doom 4.

Well done Bethesda, iD, et al, well done! Now can we get 'Hell on Earth' next? Pretty please?

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