Looking at the demo which was built with the unreal engine, and comparing that to the early attempts in virtual reality which I have actually used, I'd have to use a variation of Scotty's words in the opening scenes of Star Trek:Generations, "Damn fine VR Device if you ask me", and that pretty much sums it up.
This demo spectacularly demonstrates the potential of Oculus Rift as a mechanism to 'enter' another world. Neither the events of Star Trek Voyager nor the ship itself is real, but to be able to walk around it as if it were is absolutely incredible. I think that it is time to start saving for it and the best part of that is Oculus Rift is aimed at providing virtual reality at a more affordable cost.
Just to tease you some more, here is another video I found on youtube
Well done to the team at Oculus VR.
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