Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Firefox version 29.0

I am enjoying the new Firefox version 29.0 however it isn't for the performance. Fact of the matter is, I cannot comment on the performance because I haven't done any useful surfing with it to validate any comments about it on performance. I am enjoying the new version for its user interface.

Up to version 28.0 the interface felt too common, with some colour for the Firefox button on the top left. While the old version attempted to look new, the interface mechanics were the same and with the same confusion as always. When I say confusion it is not a suggestion that I was not able to do something because I was unable to use it; my meaning is that it wasn't too intuitive, you had to click on a few things to get to something and sometimes a long list to scroll through in a menu. It was a nice interface let's not criticise that, it was certainly better than previous attempts but not anywhere near as good as it could be.

My biggest dislike on the older versions was the bookmarking system. It was ok on even older versions but the more recent versions it just got too irritating to use. If you bookmarked something, instead of just bookmarking it you get a dialog where you either clicked "Done" or fiddled some more. I guess it was an attempt to allow you to sort them out immediately rather than later. Problem with that, I wanted to sort them out later and usually that is much much later. Some bookmarks I made were only temporary because the article was too long and I wanted to read it another time. Every time that dialog came up I get frustrated and then click done causing the list in the main bookmarks menu to grow to an extremely long list before I get a chance to clean it out. At that point instead of being useful it became a hindrance and I had to scroll and scroll to find the things I wanted to find.

How does Firefox 29.0 user interface solve these problems or does it even solve it at all? Well actually and surprisingly it does solve it and at least for now it solves it very well. Since the bookmark issue is important for me let us journey into that first.

Immediately the bookmark feature you will notice is the bookmark icon shown as a star-separator-clipboard image(Fig.1.) If you click on that star to bookmark a page it will immediately add the book mark without displaying that annoying dialog. The star will then change colour to indicate you have that page bookmarked. If you click that star again then a dialog will come up that will let you decide where to put it or even delete it. What I noticed is that if you go to a site that is already in your book mark the star will change colour similar to adding a new book mark. This is useful because it avoids those multiple book marks for when you have forgotten that the site is already bookmarked. But wait there's more! you can actually click on the star and allocate a new place for the old book mark through the dialog box that will appear or delete it. Of course if you want to traverse your bookmarks list it is a simple matter of clicking on the clipboard picture of the bookmark star/clipboard combo icon but this is where you notice another anti-clutter feature. All your bookmarks you added by clicking on the star but not sorted do not end up cluttering the main bookmark list. They are added to a sub-list called "Recently Bookmarked", which is superb and it shows that the Mozilla team really put a lot of thought into the bookmarking system.

Fig.1. Firefox version 29.0 new user interface.
Fig.1 shows a screen grab of the new interface but notice the tabs, they look modern and its usage is very intuitive which is retained from the older tabbed versions. What's different is the aesthetics, it is very pleasing to the eye. It looks like the Pareto's 80/20 principle has been used quite effectively, the law of the vital few. For software it would be that 20% of the features are used 80% of the time and certainly you can see the most used features are immediately displayed and they are placed in a manner that reduces the gulf of evaluation. You have the back arrow that affords the back button placed intuitively before the URL entry field. The home button is prominent and to the left, there is a search field to the right of the URL field, a down arrow that has been kept from previous versions to further reduce the gulf of execution -users know from previous versions this is what shows the downloads. To the extreme right that would support Fitts law is the triple bar menu button. Once clicked it produces Fig.2.
Fig.2. Menu for Firefox version 29.0.

Gone is the coloured Firefox button that was on the top left of the earlier version, replaced by a nice clean and very intuitive icon based menu. Clicking on customize allows you to add or remove what you want displayed so you could leave more of what you use and less of what you do not use.

While I cannot comment yet on the speed and performance of Firefox, I can say that Mozilla have outdone themselves with the user interface in Firefox 29.0. There is clear evidence of good Human Computer Interaction(HCI) principles being applied here. If you have never used Firefox, I'd strongly recommend giving this a try just for the user interface alone but of course being Firefox, you get an amazing browser as an added bonus.

Monday, 28 April 2014

Marvel at Marvel

Seen The Amazing Spiderman 2. Seen Captain America:The winter soldier. I cant help but marvel at Marvel, it has been a good 2-3 years at the movies. Marvel comics have done an excellent job bringing the comic book heroes to life, and to create a tv series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D that fills in a lot of the gaps as was the case with Captain America. From what I understand Marvel is now in Phase 2 and from the trailers I  have seen (yes you HAVE to wait until all the credits have rolled in a Marvel movie!) it is going to be an AMAZING Marvel year. For comic lovers like myself, it is going to be an amazing year all around with DC comics also hard at work bringing its heroes to life.

I have to confess I am loving Marvel heroes a lot more even though I did grow up on Superman initially. Both universes (DC and Marvel) inspired generations with imaginative super heroes everyone wants to be. I have sometimes wished as a kid I was one of the fantastic 4, or superman, or even Iron man and infact as a kid I was a big Iron man fan. This was probably driven by the fact my first comic was Iron man -and I still have it!.

So excited at all these marvelous times!

Friday, 25 April 2014

Why I love C#

C# pronounced See-Sharp, a play on the musical note C-Sharp is a strongly typed object oriented programming language developed by Microsoft and is integrated with the .Net framework. Its chief language designer is Anders Hejlsberg but more on C# and Anders Hejlsberg later.

My first introduction to programming was Basic back in high school and it was fascinating. You type a bit of instruction, and something happens on screen, that was the basics of it, no pun intended. Later in the same high school I was introduced to Turbo Pascal and while I do not remember the version, I suspect it might have been version 5.5. Turbo Pascal was love at first sight for me because it was so simple yet seemed so powerful. I was able to do more things in a structured manner and why not, it is a procedural language but did have some object oriented features such as classes and this was called Object Pascal. Later when I studied Engineering at MIT (Manukau Institute of Technology, New Zealand) I bought a package of Borlands Turbo Pascal version 7.0 and it ran on the first computer I ever had, a 486 DX2 66 MHz with 4 MB of ram, WOW!.

I still have my copy of Turbo Pascal and C++ Builder Professional. Turbo Pascal purchased in 1995/1996 and C++ Builder professional Purchased in 2002/2003.
 I did a lot of programming on Turbo Pascal because it was very easy to develop in, to understand, and I became very good at it. I was able to remember most of its standard library units such as CRT, DOS, GRAPH etc and it wasn't case sensitive so a variable: var something : integer; was the same as var Something: Integer;. I wrote a lot of programs in it including one that connected to bulletin boards and displayed the result in ANSI colour, lots of utilities, 3D engine that was a modification of some existing code where the rasterizer etc was already done. There was even a level editor for the 3D engine, a file transfer program, and an attempt to pack data using the 400% text compression with no flow control using the dial-up modems V.42 bis and MNP 5 protocols. Of course that caused data errors because with no flow control there was no way to control the data. A friend and I used this Turbo Pascal program I developed to send a sample test mp3 file. When he received it, he telephoned me and said "I received it but it sounds like turkeys!" and we have been joking about it ever since!

Regardless of what I developed, the point is that it was a lovely language to work with and program in. It wasn't as fast as C or C++ but it was lovely, and it even included the ability to directly inject assembly code. Something I used when developing a sound playing application which played MIDI files on the opl3 FM chip on the Sound Blaster as well as output to MIDI port. It was absolutely a joy to work with Turbo Pascal, however when Delphi came out based off Object Pascal but a fully object oriented language, I unfortunately did not pursue developing in pascal code until many years later when I developed a CD cataloging system in Delphi. I reached a point in my engineering study where I was working with C code and I was beginning to enjoy C code. You see, after developing on the sound blaster using the assembly capability of Turbo Pascal I was beginning to already enjoy assembly language. I was beginning to enjoy the power it was giving me with direct access to hardware registers opening an era of optimization in my programming life. C code was fast and close to assembly language and it was powerful because it felt like I could do absolutely anything with it. A lecturer at MIT best described C code back in that time as "C code looks like pascal printed with incorrect baud rate". Later and in no chronological order I started using and loving C++. To this day I love programming in C++ because it provides the power of C with Object orientation and with the new C++11 standards it now has threading capability. My current 3D engine being developed so I can develop a 3D game for windows phone is using C++ however it is a C++/CX flavor from Microsoft. Later of course Java and C# but I am coming to why I love C# soon.

Developing in these varieties of languages helped me understand conceptual programming languages better and has helped me acquire a skill where I can pickup new development languages fairly quickly, and for those languages which I have not used in a while such as Turbo Pascal, I am able to refresh them extremely fast. However all of these have come to pass but I still loved Turbo Pascal until one day I used C#.

Why do I love C#? It combines the best parts of C++, Delphi, and Java into one beautiful language that is music to me and C# is very well played. It is built for the CLI/CLR and makes it seamless and easy to use the .NET framework. Its later iterations have included LINQ and functional programing that has opened up some amazing capabilities in C#. It is so much easier to implement enumerators, function caching, and functors. The language is absolutely beautiful but the main reason I love C# is because of Anders Hejlsberg. He is my favorite language designer, he was the chief language architect for Turbo Pascal when he worked for Borland, and he is the chief language designer for C# at Microsoft. I love C# because it is influenced by the person I consider the best language designer ever. Infact I do not know why the keyword for auto pointer in C# is "var" but i'll venture a guess that it is his trademark perhaps? If you know why, leave a comment. C++ uses the keyword auto for the auto pointer or smart pointer.

C# is a beautiful language to learn on, to develop on, it has amazing and powerful features, it is a higher level language and these are alone the reasons to love it. 

I will leave you with a youtube video of Anders Hejlsberg I found and I strongly encourage viewing this one hour video titled Behind The Code - Anders Hejlsberg, C# Language Creator


Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Oculus Rift and Star Trek Voyager

Some people have all the fun, and wow don't I want to be that person who is featured in the youtube video below wearing an Oculus rift and walking through the bridge of Voyager!

Download this Demo

Looking at the demo which was built with the unreal engine, and comparing that to the early attempts in virtual reality which I have actually used, I'd have to use a variation of Scotty's words in the opening scenes of Star Trek:Generations, "Damn fine VR Device if you ask me", and that pretty much sums it up.
This demo spectacularly demonstrates the potential of Oculus Rift as a mechanism to 'enter' another world. Neither the events of Star Trek Voyager nor the ship itself is real, but to be able to walk around it as if it were is absolutely incredible. I think that it is time to start saving for it and the best part of that is Oculus Rift is aimed at providing virtual reality at a more affordable cost.

Just to tease you some more, here is another video I found on youtube

Well done to the team at Oculus VR.

Monday, 21 April 2014

New Earth

"Scientists analyzing data from the Kepler space telescope have discovered a first: an Earth-size planet orbiting in the habitable zone of its parent star, researchers announced Thursday." Source.

Image source artists concept: NASA

That was the headline on the CBS website and it sent my imaginations running wild. Of course we have to look at this realistically therefore while it is in the 'habitable zone' of the star it is orbiting this does not mean there is life there. However if the atmosphere is much like earth and if we suppose we are able to reach it, then it is a New Earth. CBS reports that this planet takes 130 days to rotate around the star Kepler-186.

The CBS article does not seem to mention what measurement they are using when stating it takes 130 days to complete one orbit which is one year. It is likely to be Earth days however because at that distance they may not be able to see how long each day on that planet is. Suppose we lived there, then each day/night cycle would be one day and suppose we still used 12 marks around a circle to measure the time, how fast would our seconds be? How long would be one 'Kepler-186f' day, and therefore how long in Kepler-186f days would be one Kepler-186f year? Would it still be 130 days, or would this be 365 days, or some other value? In the future when we are able to travel to such exoplanets, would we use Earth time or 'local time'? It is fascinating to even think about these things which one day could be a reality.

Space fascinates me immensely so I am always excited to see planetary discoveries that are like our own as well as new space objects. There was a recent discovery of a planet of 'a woman's best friend' or otherwise known as "The diamond planet". That planet apparently is made of diamonds probably to the delight of future diamond miners. Already there is talk of its dollar value -in the nonillions it seems.

All I can say after reading about such discoveries is "Hurry up with that warp drive powered ship!"

Friday, 11 April 2014

Red Moon Rises

Folks, it is family time on Tuesday outside so get your outdoor chairs ready. Unless it rains, is cloudy, or the sky is covered by invaders from outer space.

The moon in New Zealand is turning blood red forecasters say on Tuesday evening.
The sight is supposed to be of interest to children according to reporting by the New Zealand Herald. I expect to see plenty of photographs from expert photographers circulating after the day. Another example of how fascinating space can be.

As always completely scientifically explainable events produce a plethora of alternative beliefs, however I recommend subscribing only to the scientific versions. Visit earthsky for definitions of some of the popular beliefs of the red moon.

Of course there is nothing supernatural about this event and it is simply a result of the way things work in space when it comes to planetary orbits and how light works. Simply that the moon moves around the earth and the earth moves around the sun at different rates. At some point their orbits will bring them in an alignment where the sun shines on earth in the same plane that the moon is in. I.e if you put a dot on paper and call that the sun, draw a straight line, place another dot on that line called earth, further along a third dot called the moon, this is essentially what is happening. Earth will cast a penumbra which is a shadow that is only partially occluded. The completely occluded area is the umbra. As the suns rays pass through the earths atmosphere the lights colour will change to a shade of red and this will be cast an umbra on the luna surface that isn't totally dark and look like a blood red moon. The explanation of what happens can be found on the NASA website.

There wont be any omnipresent being or apparition that will appear, and if one does.....call the ghost busters.

Time to see in New Zealand: Tuesday when the moon is rising. New Zealand Herald reports a time of 7:08 pm.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Project Ara

The Verge is reporting on Google's Project Ara and it is definitely looking good. Essentially it lets developers produce modules for a mod-able modular phone. You can make swappable parts such as camera modules and Google has released guidelines on developing them.
This is quite exciting from Google, the phone will run Android(what else!), and it would be interesting to see what modules emerge from it. From the report on The Verge, the Ara phones start off as a skeleton initially and you build it up using modules. This could be of immense benefit for uses other than just an average everyday smartphone function. Portable testers for medical situations could come as mod-able parts for the phone. This is another step towards unified devices idea and stuff of sci-fi's we all dream about.
Read more on The Verge and Googles Project Ara website.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Space the final frontier

...Unless it's cloudy. Bah! It is time to break the chains of all formality and vent.
The Earth Mars opposition is tonight and it is cloudy in Auckland New Zealand. The Auckland observatory will not have their telescopes out no doubt, and it would be pointless staring out at the sky from my backyard.
Why did these clouds have to roll in now! Normally I like stormy weather and rain but not when I want to watch an important event in space.

Mars you escape the gaze of mine eyes again, I'll see you next time!

Mantle case

nVidia has released a beta driver version 337.5 claiming it can outperform Mantle in DirectX 11 games.

Maximum PC consequently has published an article testing nVidias claims. What Maximum PC found was that there were no significant performance improvements in games they tested except for those title's AMD has used to showcase Mantle even on tests using Multi-GPU scaling.

What could all this mean? It is difficult to say but questions on peoples minds probably are:

Virtual reality and Oculus Rift

Oculus Rift has been in the media recently and for me, it has been an interesting read. Of particular importance is the acquisition of Oculus VR by Facebook because there is potential there for a good financial backing. Oculus Rift has also found favors with  John Carmack, the man behind a series of  early 3D games (Hovertank and Wolfenstein 3D). Oculus Rift has also found favors with me so what is it?

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Thief savegame corruption

I am a HUGE fan of the thief series ever since I played the first thief. I have played all the thief series so I was very excited at the announcement of Thief 4 by Eidos Montreal. Unfortunatly there appears to be a bug in the game that has also affected me. At time of writing I am not aware of any patches, but Eidos has revealed that they are aware of the problem and taking it seriously.

I am one of the persons affected by this so I wanted to see if there is anything I can do to get this working because I did not want to start the game all over again and lose all my hard worked thieving progress. While I am not saying what I found is the solution, I am only saying this worked for me and I can only hope it works for everyone else. I emailed SquareEnix on the 3rd of April with this but all I got was a standard "we are aware.....patience...etc" response even though I clearly outlined it wasn't a service request.

So what did I find:

Digital is Digital -Why this is wrong.

This is my favorite dislike "Digital is Digital" so I wanted to talk about it. I have seen this used so many times and the speakers context infers that physical 0's and 1's are shuttled down the line. A variation of that statement is "Digital is Digital, it either works or it doesn't".  Very black and white but unfortunately incorrect. Many of these statements have come about in frequency due to the confusion over HDMI cables. I will explain why these statements are incorrect and why it can cause you to purchase incorrect quality HDMI cables.

Saturday, 5 April 2014


AMD, a company formed by a couple of people and $100k. A company currently in dire straights, a predicament caused by the first CEO Sanders, which AMD never recovered from[2].

So Mantle, from AMD, why am I intrigued by Mantle?
Ever since its introduction into the PC market, I have been a great fan of openGL. Then came Direct 3D which was, to put it mildly, rubbish. D3D has since risen up to be a challenger to openGL. A key advantage of D3D over openGL is the quick implementation of new graphics technology. Comparably, it takes a little longer for openGL as it has to be reviewed by the consortium before a new version of openGL has them(if at all). However I have always liked openGL since it offers speed advantages over D3D thanks to it offering more low level operations in the API -but that isn't saying openGL is a low level API, it is a high level API. openGL is also cross-platform unlike DirectX which is restricted to Microsoft technology-for the moment.

D3D also suffers here because it has to make more cpu calls which increases latency. Although I am building a 3D game engine for windows phone at the moment, I will switch to openGL ES and develop for Android which has a significantly larger market but crucially it uses a technology I have always loved -openGL. If there is any value to be had, I would get that from the Android market by developing on technology I enjoy, and having a significantly larger market to target. So how does Mantle fit and why I like it?

2006 review by me of Event Horizon mod on GameSpy's PlanetDoom

The writing contained here is years old and GameSpy no longer exists but they are a reflection of the work I used to do then. Some of the links found in these posts will no longer work however they will remain as part of the original work. These posts are under the label: Outdated articles and works.
I came across this lovely mod for the week. You may recognise it if you saw the movie. It is the Event Horizon mod. The movie itself looks somewhat like a Doom movie (not The Doom movie) so this mod really compliments the Doom 3 engine I believe. Although the mod doesn’t appear to be a total conversion, a lot of custom textures have been used which really adds to the realism of being on a ship in space.

The mod starts off, what seemingly appears to be, with the character (you) awakening from a nightmare. You then make your way through the ship which gets launched into space so you can meet up with the lost ship the Event Horizon. Without giving out too many spoilers, the custom textures implemented, and the level design and feel really adds to the atmosphere.

The game play in this mod is definatly doom. There are no new weapon changes other then sound changes. You expect this since this is a mod rather then a total conversion. You will find a few Doom 3 references however, suggesting that you are actually on mars. Once, again, one would expect this from a mod. The cinematics are simply brilliant.

What I really liked about this was the level design. It is beautiful and the author seems to have gone to a great deal of detail to map out some of the things you will recognise from the movie. This must have taken a lot of work, and perhaps a TV running Event Horizon in parallel. One thing I would have liked, however, was perhaps to see an image of Sam Neil onboard the event horizon (in the movie) stuck somewhere as a photo frame perhaps. Just to complete that movie feel.

There is really not much to dislike about this mod. Although I seem to have encountered a level bug where the keys would not work, reloading the level soon sorted this out.

In conclusion, I would have to say this mod is worth its weight in download (only 42 MB). The author seems to have put a great deal of work in, and I can’t begin to imagine how this would look if the author tried a total conversion mod. Absolutely impressive, must have, must download, mod.

The mod can be found at: http://www.doomwadstation.com/doom3/maps/event_horizon/

--Reviewed by Shadow Master

2006 review by me of Phantasm mod on GameSpy's PlanetDoom

The writing contained here is years old and GameSpy no longer exists but they are a reflection of the work I used to do then. Some of the links found in these posts will no longer work however they will remain as part of the original work. These posts are under the label: Outdated articles and works.

I was feeling in need of a little creepiness so I found this mod, the Phantasm mod version 1.2. This is another mod by the author Bladeghost that is based on a movie, in this case, Phantasm. I have to confess I have not seen the movie yet so I had to hunt for the movie information on the World Wide Web.

This mod has almost all new textures, but keeps the simple playability of Doom 3. The guns are the same and only a handful of creatures are the same. The other creatures are phantasm creatures, and even the “tall man” is done well. The level design is beautifully achieved and in particular when outdoors, and the nicely modeled car (which you can’t drive unfortunately).

As mentioned, this mod keeps the playability simple like Doom 3 but packs a lot of surprises. It feels like playing through a dream with mind altering scenarios. The game starts slow paced but picks up very quickly. You will need to have your wits about you and be able to respond in a blink. Those floating ‘cranial drilling orbs’ have no mercy given their small size and speed of attack. This mod will keep you on edge start to finish.

There are a lot of things to like about this mod. The beautiful level design, the textures, the new creatures, the eerie, creepy, downright mind altering atmosphere, and pace.  I believe the quote form Bladeghost in the readme file of the mod says it best, “This Mod was created as an artistic creative expression of my art and 3d modeling skills, and as a homage to Phantasm, a great movie classic and it's sequels”.

In conclusion, I would say stop reading about it, go download it and play it now. See for yourself what a well designed mod this is. It has already got me in the mood to hunt the video stores for the movie to see what the movie is like.

The mod can be found at: http://www.doomwadstation.com/doom3tc/phantasm/

2006 review by me of The Dark Mod on GameSpy's PlanetDoom

The writing contained here is years old and GameSpy no longer exists but they are a reflection of the work I used to do then. Some of the links found in these posts will no longer work however they will remain as part of the original work. These posts are under the label: Outdated articles and works.

Unto thou I presenteth a mod in development, the builder be proud. Ok so I am feeling a little Thief'ish today. There is no mod to download yet but definitely screenshots and video. This one, however, is worthy of attention as it is under development. This mod is called "The Dark" mod. It is based on the Thief series game that was made by Looking Glass Studios, and later Edios. This is a total conversion mod of the Doom 3 Engine and judging by the screenshots and high res video (yes high res video), this mod is going to be quite spectacular once it is released. Note however, that on their website, the authors state that this is a tool set mod; Meaning once it is constructed, it will allow level development. Therefore once the toolset is made, expect to see fan made Thief levels using the Doom 3 Engine. It is also important to note that this is not Thief but Thief-like.

The mod looks to have the stealth capability of the original thief series, complete with the rope arrows, gas arrows, black jack, water arrows and most likely others. According to the FAQ on their site, it will also include weather effects. The character models they have so far displayed look’s fantastic.

Since the mod and any of the levels is not out yet, it’s not possible to review how the game plays, however the video does yield some clues. Looks like the game may be either the same speed or slightly faster than the original Thief series. There appears to be the detection indicator like the original and the ability to make good use of dark and shadows. Swimming is included, but what Thief-like game would be complete without it?

Being a fan of the Thief series, this is a mod I am definatly waiting for in anticipation. Reading through their site, it seems this is still 2 years away but what they have already achieved is incredible.

For more information and the HIGH RES VIDEO, check out their website at: http://www.mindplaces.com/darkmod/index.php

--reviewed by Shadow Master

2006 review by me of Into Cerberon mod on GameSpy's PlanetDoom

The writing contained here is years old and GameSpy no longer exists but they are a reflection of the work I used to do then. Some of the links found in these posts will no longer work however they will remain as part of the original work. These posts are under the label: Outdated articles and works.

Looks like it is that time again, to ‘decent’ into the mines. Thanks to the authors who made the mod “Into Cerberon”. This mod looks and feels a lot like the Decent game I played a few years ago. Absolutely incredible what the Doom 3 engine can be made to do. This mod is only multiplayer however, and while I couldn’t find a multiplayer server on the internet, in the short time I had to play this mod, a friend gladly helped in testing out this mod in multiplayer.

The game has shadows enabled so you can see the shadow of the ship you travel in if you are close to something, for example, a wall or door(just don’t fire a missile at your own shadow at close range). The ship is armed with shields, lasers, turret guns (such as chain, auto canon), plasma gun, missiles. The mod has new textures, items and sounds to make you easily forget this is a Doom 3 engine.

The game plays very nicely but I have a comment on that. It moves at the same pace as the doom marine, where, I would have liked the ship to be a little faster. The level design certainly permits faster movement. Perhaps this will be added on later as in the control configuration it has an option for afterburner with a message indicating its coming soon. Most of what you expect from a ship movement is there such as rudder, bank, fore and ventral.

After playing this, and having touched the Decent game last, many years ago, it seems I like playing this more than the Decent I remember. That’s something you don’t hear everyday however I would really like to see a little faster movement.

In conclusion, if you are a Decent fan, you have just been rewarded with this fantastic multiplayer mod. It captures the feel very nicely and it is very easy to forget you are ‘flying’ through a Doom 3 engine. I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to fly past a horde of imps while firing the plasma canon.

The mod, including information and many screenshots can be found at: http://www.chmodoplusr.com/IntoCerberon/index.php

-Reviewed by Shadow Master.

2006 review by me of Recall To Hell mod on GameSpy's PlanetDoom

The writing contained here is years old and GameSpy no longer exists but they are a reflection of the work I used to do then. Some of the links found in these posts will no longer work however they will remain as part of the original work. These posts are under the label: Outdated articles and works.
Today I’ll start off with a simple question. When is Doom not Doom and Doom at the same time? Answer: When it is a Recall to hell mod. Currently the authors have not released a mod but the work in progress is, shall we say, beyond belief. According to them, they are aiming at creating a feel you originally expect from Doom, in addition to “toy with your fears”.

The screenshots on their website is beyond belief. The level design is extremely beautiful, albeit a little intimidating. Judging by the screenshots, the levels will definitely be HUGE. The character models are superbly designed and wait for it; There is a Spider Mastermind in this one. Look at the shots of their models to find it. That is if you can steal your eyes away from the superbly designed levels.  I could not find a trailer, but their last update on the 10/10 indicates they were seeking voice actors. This may mean a trailer may not be too far off.

As far as game play goes, without at least a trailer it is difficult to say. The level design is certainly superb, indicating if the game play was the same as Doom 3 then this is going to a mod to be reckoned with.

I really like the way they are re-inventing the character models and the inclusion of the Spider Mastermind is a VERY nice touch. I am looking forward to the gorgon like creature pictured on their website and the mechanized dog. Look out pinky, there’s a new dog in town!

Concluding this review, I would have to say book mark their website and watch it everyday. The mod looks like it will really put the doom 3 engine to the test with its large level design, and certainly add to the atmosphere with the detail of the level, the character models and story.

Their website can be found here: http://recalltohell.d3files.com/mod.htm

--Reviewed by Shadow Master

2006 review by me of In Hell mod on GameSpy's PlanetDoom

The writing contained here is years old and GameSpy no longer exists but they are a reflection of the work I used to do then. Some of the links found in these posts will no longer work however they will remain as part of the original work. These posts are under the label: Outdated articles and works.

Feeling a little nostalgic, I came across this beautifully put together mod called “In Hell”. The makers claim to bring back the “Ultimate Doom” from the classic Doom series experience. Wait till you get a load of this. Download that is, all 348 MB of it.

The mod has some new textures, it appears, but the bulk of it is using Doom3. However the level design is definitely one of the best I have seen. Very early you will come across an outdoor area. You just want to stop and absorb the hellish atmosphere here. The gun sounds have changed and sound very sharp but with no jaggedness.

The game plays like the Doom 3 game but because this is set in hell, you have unlimited stamina. Initially you will be introduced to how different this is to Doom 3 by means of what appears to be a very small training level. The first thing you will notice is the puzzle solving type level design we have all become accustomed to from the classic Doom series. The best way to describe the game play experience would be to imagine classic Doom with Doom 3 graphics and monsters, complete with no flashlight. On that point, while the authors have eliminated the flashlight, the level design doesn’t require it. The levels are lit up enough that you can manage without it.

There is a considerable amount of things to like about it, from the new sounds, to the level design to the placement of monsters and even the ammo which you have to look for. The plain sight ammo is not enough, a lot of ammo is present, but, like the classic Doom, you have to look for it in each room. There are secrets present as well and when you finish the level, it tells you how many secrets you have found. In fact the level exit is very nicely integrated as a sub room.

There is just one thing with this mod, it is very hard. On “ultra violence” difficulty setting, this thing will really keep your fingers grinding on the keyboard. However, it’s so well put together that the difficulty setting becomes more of a challenge than a hindrance.

Although this mod is heavy on the download, it’s well worth its weight. This is definitely a recommended download. Especially if you loved the hell level of Doom 3.

The mod can be found at http://wwwstud.fh-zwickau.de/~stki/DOOM_html/index.htm

--Reviewed by Shadow Master

2006 review by me of Hell Island mod on GameSpy's PlanetDoom

The writing contained here is years old and GameSpy no longer exists but they are a reflection of the work I used to do then. Some of the links found in these posts will no longer work however they will remain as part of the original work. These posts are under the label: Outdated articles and works.

This review starts off with a simple scenario. Imagine that you are on Earth; the UAC has assigned you a mission right after your return from mars. You are sent to an island. On the way there, your helicopter gets attacked and you are alone on the island. Alone, except, for the undead. Welcome to the “Hell Island” mod.

This mod has a lot of new textures but uses original characters from Doom 3. The guns are the same but have undergone a few changes. These include sounds, and ammo clip. The Doom Marine keeps in contact with someone from the UAC however there is a slight change to this over the standard Doom 3.  The doom marine’s voice is heard.
This mod also attempts to create effects such as water (pools, basins and streams).

The mod plays much like doom 3 however not every level has a torch available. The mod doesn’t feel that hard to do. If you thought being set on earth can’t possibly make it as scary, think again! A good mix of indoor and outdoor really works for this mod to create that “hell island” feel. The sudden inrush of hordes of creatures certainly creates the fear factor.

I really liked the way the levels are designed. Not only does it show signs that a lot of thought went into the creation of the levels, but it has something more. If you like some of the classic Doom 2 levels, you will find that the level design feels a lot like it was inspired from Doom 2. Everything from spiralling staircases to unstable rock formations that can give way under your feet to leaping tall buildings with a single bound. You even get to climb/jump boxes and walk across paths so thin it feels like tight rope walking.
There are also timed secret doors, where once triggered, you rush back to get in before it closes.

This mod does have one annoying bug that returned over and over again. It’s very easy to get stuck to a wall or furniture. You could reload the level which is good because while there are lots of levels, the levels aren’t that big.

In conclusion, this is a well put together mod, which creates a nice story like atmosphere. The levels are very classic doom like. If I were to say just one thing about this mod it would be that this mod is not boring by a very long shot.

The mod can be found at:  http://www.doomwadstation.com/doom3/maps/hell_island/

--Reviewed by Shadow Master

2006 review by me of Lynch mod on GameSpy's PlanetDoom

The writing contained here is years old and GameSpy no longer exists but they are a reflection of the work I used to do then. Some of the links found in these posts will no longer work however they will remain as part of the original work. These posts are under the label: Outdated articles and works.

In today’s news, it is time to look at another great total conversion, one that is in the works but has not been released yet. It is called “Lynch” and according to their website, it is inspired by games such as Thief, Manhunt, Condemned. It is a survival horror mod that gets the player to also think or fight to survive. According to their website, violence isn’t the only answer in the game.

The media section of the website shows screenshots of what the game is likely to look like in terms of level design. A brief here from their features section indicates the player will need to hide in some instances, in others find clues on the internet, multiple ways of solving a problem, and apparently the environment around you is as much a tool for your use as is the tools you may carry.

There are no videos to analyze or a playable demo to try in order to comment on its playability. However, judging by the games the authors took inspiration from, it gives some indication of what the game play might entail.

This mod is certainly looking very promising going purely by the description on their website and the effort put in making the website possibly reflect the theme of the mod itself a little bit. However it would be nice to see a video at least of the progress.

In conclusion after going over most of their website, I would have to say this is more than a total conversion mod, it is looking like a whole new game altogether. Keep an eye on this, because when it gets released, it would definitely be worth a shot at playing the mod.

The mod information and screenshots can be found here: http://www.lynch.bloodspitstudios.com/Mod.html

--Reviewed by Shadow Master

2006 review by me of Delta mod 1.0 mod on GameSpy's PlanetDoom

The writing contained here is years old and GameSpy no longer exists but they are a reflection of the work I used to do then. Some of the links found in these posts will no longer work however they will remain as part of the original work. These posts are under the label: Outdated articles and works.

I had a chance to review a mod that takes my pick for the week. The mod is called Delta Mod 1.0. Not exactly sure why it is called Delta Mod but my guess is that it is because it is a collection of other mod's. The author has generously credited, in its readme file, the makers of the mod’s used.

The mod boasts high quality parallax textures on most monsters, surface texture improvements, high quality sounds, realistic flashlight effect and more.

It captures the original Doom 3 feel but with the less intrusive additions/changes. Doom 3 has just got that much more immersive, and that’s the best part.
Some of how this was achieved lies in the weapon sound effects. The flashlight actually feels much more realistic with the rainbow halo around it. It’s the kind of half full battery spotlight you would expect if you left your flashlight on for as long as you do in this game. Zombie sounds seem more noticeable for some reason. The most important, however, was that this mod actually makes doom 3 fun. For example the knocking back of enemies at close range. They literally fly back if you shotgun a zombie, for example, at close range.

The author claims that this mod does not detract from the game experience. I believe the author has succeeded here. The chain gun sounds more like a heavy weapon. Makes you feel like you are playing classic doom all over again. Most of the weapon sounds have a much higher bass content which means if you have a decent sub, you are in for a very good audio/visual stimulation.

There is one thing that I do dislike about this mod, however. The pinky looks more purple and too vivid. I would have preferred a more blurred pink/orange mix. But that’s the only con. The rest of this mod has definitely impressed me. This ones getting kept on my hard drive for a round 2 through Doom 3, start to end.

I recommend trying out this mod as it is a very good combination of mod’s for a better Doom 3 experience. It is doubt full that you will get bored.

The mod can be found here: http://videogames.yahoo.com/predownload?eid=322844

-reviewed by Shadow Master.

2006 review by me of Hexen:Edge of Chaos mod on GameSpy's PlanetDoom

The writing contained here is years old and GameSpy no longer exists but they are a reflection of the work I used to do then. Some of the links found in these posts will no longer work however they will remain as part of the original work. These posts are under the label: Outdated articles and works.

Greetings folks, especially those old Hexen fans. A special treat for Hexenizens, a Doom 3 Total conversion mod called “Hexen: Edge of Chaos”. An excellent revival of the old classic, however currently there is no mod to download. It is a work in progress. There is, however, an in-game video showing what has been done so far and that is looking really great.

Looking at just the video trailer here is a brief summary of what the mod has (as described in the trailers on screen text): Telekinesis spells, rich environments, BIG outdoor environments, Hexen items, trees, superbly designed maps; no torch, wouldn’t fit, instead you have a lantern; water effects and puzzles/traps.

According to the in-game video, it looks like the game movement speed will be the same as Doom 3. The environment's perhaps a bit more interactive than Doom 3. The game physics looks great, as the video shows: Using telekinetic powers to throw a brick against something allows it to react realistically (I.E not bounce around like it is made of rubber).

I especially liked the one enemy shown in the video. Made entirely of bones, and throwing “something” at you that it appears to generate. Think an imp with no skin, and instead of a fireball, a lump of something. Additionally the amusement, of using telekinetic powers, to lift it and throw it out of a tall structure. Not bad, not bad at all.

This is definitely going to be a mod for both hexen and non hexen fans. For hexen fans, it will hit base very nicely, and for non hexen fans, it will feel like a whole new game, different to Doom 3 with a bit more sophistication in terms of weapons, and inhuman elements that the character will possess.

Get more details and video at: http://edgeofchaos.planetdoom.gamespy.com/news.htm

--reviewed by Shadow Master

2006 review by me of Dungeon Doom mod on GameSpy's PlanetDoom

The writing contained here is years old and GameSpy no longer exists but they are a reflection of the work I used to do then. Some of the links found in these posts will no longer work however they will remain as part of the original work. These posts are under the label: Outdated articles and works.

Today I give you the dungeon. Dungeon Doom that is. Anyone who has played Dungeons, must give this a try. This mod uses the Doom 3 engine to simulate an RPG style of game but can do first person, 3rd person and overview. The mod is up to version 8.13 but you have to download 8.1 first then patch it with 8.13.

The mod is essentially Doom 3 with the ability to go on quests and enter the dungeon. There are a number of game play options but if you are like me and want a quick blast, the short game mode is very good. There are difficulty settings for the seasoned dungeon players down to beginners. In addition it has new textures (but old enemies) and also present are changes to weapon damage as well as enemy hit points. The game changes from night to day at set times. There are torches and lanterns which you will need to purchase, along with everything else.

The game play is very nice including interactions with people. Thanks to the changed hit points, your pistol has a better chance at enemies you wouldn’t dare go against in vanilla Doom 3. You get a compass and position indicators which you can use if you get off the beaten path for such tasks such as going on quests. Where ever possible, kill the creatures you encounter as this gets you gold that can be used to buy stuff.

What I liked about this mod was that it is a combination of a thinking and a fighting game in equal proportions. As you play the game, you have the tendency to want to remember, in which direction, the city is so that you can sprint back to safety.

The position indicator doesn’t appear to be arranged in a very logical order. I had to go in every direction to find the quest coordinates. This got a little frustrating but was well rewarded once the quest was completed.

I think this is definitely well worth the look if you have time to play such games. Despite being a FPS engine, this mod certainly captures the type of game play you expect from a title such as Dungeon Doom. It should even give W.O.W fans something to play.

The mod information and download can be found at: http://dungeondoom.d3files.com/index.htm

--Reviewed by Shadow Master

2006 review by me of Dawn of The Dead mod on GameSpy's PlanetDoom

The writing contained here is years old and GameSpy no longer exists but they are a reflection of the work I used to do then. Some of the links found in these posts will no longer work however they will remain as part of the original work. These posts are under the label: Outdated articles and works.

This time I have "Dawn of The Dead" in for a review. This one doesn’t have a mod to download but there are video clips included to show game play and weapons. If you haven’t seen the movie, it’s basically about a group of people stuck in a city fighting the undead.

According to the mod website, this mod is still under works but so fat has 173 Mb of custom textures and models. Looking at the models indicate a lot of work is being put into this mod. The guns are no longer Doom 3 guns and has weapons such as knife, revolver, colt, shotgun, hammer, SMG, etc. Items and objects such as cell phone, radio, TV, health pack and so on.

The gameplay looks very interesting. You have a cell phone that you can use apparently. The cell phone lets you communicate with the outside world building the story by means of uncovering the plots and some help in escaping the zombie threat. The movement looks good as well as the physics and motion. However, remember that this was assessed only by observing the video clips.

The best part of this mod seems to be the change in textures and guns to create a totally different environment to the one that we all got used to in Doom 3. The light holders are different and screenshots show that there are areas using replicas of its real world counterpart such as one screenshot showing a Pepsi juice dispenser.

It looks like this mod is shaping up nicely and would be worth the wait when it finally gets released. It is great to see more mod's coming out based on movies.

The mod information, screenshots, movie clip downloads can be found at: http://www.blacktreeuk.net/dawn_of_the_dead_downloads.html

--Reviewed by Shadow Master

2007 review by me of Doom II remake using Doom 3 engine mod on GameSpy's PlanetDoom

The writing contained here is years old and GameSpy no longer exists but they are a reflection of the work I used to do then. Some of the links found in these posts will no longer work however they will remain as part of the original work. These posts are under the label: Outdated articles and works.

Today I stumbled on an old favourite, Doom II which I will review. However this isn’t any ordinary Doom II. This Doom II is actually a remake using the Doom 3 engine. There are a lot of levels in Doom II however this mod seems to only contain 10 levels. Ten very well put together, and accurate levels too.

The mod, as mentioned, contains 10 levels which are: Entryway, Underhalls, The Gantlet, The Focus, The Waste Tunnels, The Crusher, Dead Simple, The Pit, Refueling Base. The enemies are very responsive “once shot” or if they spot you, and I swear my shotgun loaded faster in the original Doom II! This mod plays very well and certainly brings back a lot of memories. I couldn’t help but wonder what this would be like when played using the available co-op mods, or the standard Doom 3 multiplayer.

I really liked the attention to detail that the mod creators have put in this. If you have played Doom II you certainly won’t be lost in this mod. It is also incredible how the map builders for the mod have created that "big space" feel to the whole game. Once again I got the "all alone" feeling from this mod as I had in the original Doom II. Understandably, due to the nature of the 2 different engines, the mod makers had to improvise some aspects of monster placement and level design. However, during gameplay, the time and effort the mod makers have placed in doing so certainly shows up. This is achieved in the form of sticking to the original Doom II feel without having the modifications intruding in on the experience.

What I really miss, however, is the music, in particular for the “Entryway” map. Might be a good idea pulling out those midi files and playing them in the background on repeat.

In conclusion, I can’t stress how much I enjoyed playing through this mod. The highly accurate attention to detail, the feeling of the old classic, and new Doom 3 features set in a way that is less intrusive to the experience. This is one classic mod you have to try. You would be missing a great deal each day that you put off downloading this excellent piece of art.

The mod can be downloaded from: http://www.doomwadstation.com/doom3/maps/doom2/

--Reviewed by Shadow Master

2007 review by me of Doom Reborn version 0.35 alpha mod on GameSpy's PlanetDoom

The writing contained here is years old and GameSpy no longer exists but they are a reflection of the work I used to do then. Some of the links found in these posts will no longer work however they will remain as part of the original work. These posts are under the label: Outdated articles and works.

WOW! That’s how I am starting this review. I have been looking at Doom Reborn version 0.35 alpha. Work in progress but the playable alpha is available for your playing pleasure. The mod is designed to create the feel of the original doom, but with enhanced graphics. Recreating the levels in the process.

The mod has a lot of attention to detail in recreating the levels. Textures have also been added that aren’t part of the original doom 3 in order to give the authentic feeling. The weapon compliment is the same as Doom. The potions and health packs, all recreated for the authentic feel. Although in version 0.35 I see no such changes, the Doom Reborn team claim that they will make the imp look like the original imp, and the undead as well. Their website shows the screenshots of the models. Of course no doom would be complete without the invisibility power up, and I am happy to report that the mod has this.

The mod plays very good, complete with the doom marine’s steroid injected legs! The movement speed is as fast as the original doom. The toxic slime is mesmerising as it really does look like a pool of liquid. Doom Reborn team have done a fantastic job with the liquid effect in my opinion. Whoever said the Doom 3 engine couldn't do liquids? I can vouch for the game play experience because I sat down thinking i'll play this for half an hour, get through most of it and be able to write something about it. 2 hours of playing later and I am thinking if I should exit the game just yet.

I would have to say if you suffer from motion sickness, stay clear, the rest, be prepared to cancel your days plans! Because from the moment you kill your first monster, time stops being a priority. Be prepared to shoot the imps twice, however, as they seem to take twice the effort to kill than the original doom imps.

I could conclude this review with many words but I will leave it up to the Doom Reborn team's words to say it for me. As quoted on their website, "I hope I'm getting the point across that we're not just making some crappy mod... We're dead-set on making this awesome!". I could not agree more.

Read about and get the mod at: http://doomreborn.d3files.com/

Reviewed by Shadow Master

2007 review by me of Hexen: Edge of Chaos mod UPDATE on GameSpy's PlanetDoom

The writing contained here is years old and GameSpy no longer exists but they are a reflection of the work I used to do then. Some of the links found in these posts will no longer work however they will remain as part of the original work. These posts are under the label: Outdated articles and works.

Hello everyone. Today I am going to give an update on the progress of a review I did on "Hexen: edge of chaos" mod. Since that review was posted, Edge of Chaos Team have responded with new information. All things considered, this mod is worth another look see for the updates to see what new information has surfaced.

Looking through their material again. They haven’t updated the in game video so the video still shows a lot of material from the obviously old media release. However reading through their news section, I will state the information they have provided and comment on some screenshots. I have some more idea on what this mod will have from their news release.

To begin, on their news site, it is mentioned that there are no original doom 3 material as they have created Edge of chaos material from scratch making their current build 2.17 GB. There will be old and new weapons and trees that react to the wind to add to the realism. Environmental hazards that are with you or against you, with new and old enemies included. From their introduction section it is quoted "Hexen: Edge Of Chaos will hold new challenges, special puzzles and rock hard combat".

There are no new screenshots since last time but I will talk about these in this update. The screenshots in the media section shows highly detailed textures making up an environment that would lightup any hexen fans eyes. The levels do not appear to be dark, yet the morbid environment remains very much intact. Looks like a beautiful level design, but don't get too carried away in game.

In conclusion, I would have to say that it was wonderful to see Edge Of Chaos Team respond to the last review and update the information on their website. It’s been 2 years so far and many people will await the release of this mod. Looks like the mod is shaping up very nicely indeed. Keep their website bookmarked.

Reviewed by -- Shadow Master

2007 review by me of Commander Doom mod on GameSpy's PlanetDoom

The writing contained here is years old and GameSpy no longer exists but they are a reflection of the work I used to do then. Some of the links found in these posts will no longer work however they will remain as part of the original work. These posts are under the label: Outdated articles and works.

Today’s' review will look at a mod that one can definitely call "different". It is an RTS (Real Time Strategy) mod for doom 3. It allows the player to control demons and production of demons to achieve a goal such as capture bases or hold bases for a period. The story is basic in that war has broken out in hell. You are in command of one side of the demonic force and using that you re-take the bases. This mod is fast paced so you won’t have time to think "Where is Lucifer while all this is going on?"

The mod has all the original Doom 3 characters and weapons; however some of the characters have been modified to produce new looking characters. The game has capture points that look like a permanently-on transporter beam. The colour they glow is a representation of the team that holds it. The game has interfaces that can be called up during game play to perform various functions, RTS style.

To re-iterate, the game is fast paced. However I could only find "easy" difficulty setting, but there are 3 blank squares where I suspect more difficulty settings will be available in future releases. I recommend reading the included readme to pre-familiarise yourself with the interface, because if you don’t and jump right in, you will wish you had. For all the sophistication this mod has, the mod writers make the game play very simple and interesting. When the level starts, it looks like normal FPS Doom 3 excerpt for the HUD. That HUD adds to the strategy and allows you to decide which way to go, or focus your attention. Pressing TAB brings up tech-tree/tactical map functions that allow you to control hordes of zombies etc, or you buy yourself more weapons/ammo. Yes folks, I did not see a "run over and pickup ammo/weapon" scene.

There are a LOT of things to like about this mod. The RTS style game play, the RTS style interfaces, the simplicity with which you execute your evil scheming ways. However the best thing I loved about it was the control of my hordes of hell spawn and that the idea, "the best defense is a good offense", works well in this mod. There is, however a requirement for this mod, and that is to upgrade your doom 3 version to patch 1.3.1 BEFORE running the mod, otherwise it will not load and give your errors.

The mod and video trailer can be located at: http://dungeondoom.d3files.com/commander_doom/index.htm

Reviewed by --Shadow Master.

2007 review by me of QUAKEmod mod on GameSpy's PlanetDoom

The writing contained here is years old and GameSpy no longer exists but they are a reflection of the work I used to do then. Some of the links found in these posts will no longer work however they will remain as part of the original work. These posts are under the label: Outdated articles and works.

This weeks mod ranks high on the Richter scale.....QUAKEmod. Shaking its way into my hard drive, the best way to introduce it, is to use a quote from the mod makers site:  "A Quake inspired mod featuring the map: Shambler's Castle.". It is in single player mode for Doom 3 capturing the game play and feel of Quake. I must confess, while the original Wolfenstein and Doom were my original love, even in multiplayer, Quake provided a full 3-D fun experience that had me by the....fingers. Endless dial-up hours were spent on quake servers. When the tectonic plates were silent with no players on the game servers, endless hours were invested in single player maps, "nailing" down "things".

The mod contains one map (Shamblers castle), new monsters(5), Quake Weapons, sounds(especially the upbeat music). The mod website also indicates lightning gun is included but not in the map for sound reasons, and of course the quad damage. The textures are quake including the NIN boxes. The level design will instantly make you forget you are inside the doom 3 engine. A mod that makes you forget the host engine it is being run on shows a clear determination in the work and passion put in by the mod developers.

The gameplay is fast and furious capturing the run and gun feel of Quake. The Shambler is nicely rendered, and so are the other creatures of quake. I was highly impressed by the design of the Scrag. The Scrag, in original quake, was one of my favourite but also annoying monsters. Floats in from everywhere but very easy to disperse while providing the fun of the hunt. The nail guns work perfectly except for the super nail gun which seems a tad slower than its original counterpart.

If you are in the market for some nostalgia, or revisiting Quake, put down that original quake disk and charge up your internet download. This mod deserves a look see by anyone who has played quake, or even, at least, read about it. This one also goes into my archive of "must keep".

The mod can be found at: http://ug.dyndns.org/~hexum/maps/castle/castle.htm

-Reviewed by Shadow Master

2006 review by me of openco-op mod on GameSpy's PlanetDoom

The writing contained here is years old and GameSpy no longer exists but they are a reflection of the work I used to do then. Some of the links found in these posts will no longer work however they will remain as part of the original work. These posts are under the label: Outdated articles and works.

This week’s mod review concentrates on co-op. The favorite of many who would like to play with friends over the internet, or on LAN. For fun, or for the greater good of defeating evil in a group. There are co-op mods out that look great but there is one that is bound to catch interest more. I feel open Co-op mode version 1.1 has done that.

This mod is simple to use but hides some great features under the bonnet. First thing to notice will be the difficulty settings. Lowest difficulty is called ‘easy’ and the highest difficulty is called ‘pure evil’. The server also lets you adjust bit rates and concentrates mainly on co-operating. The authors do this by implementing functions such as health pool and progress limiters. On their website the authors have said that the mod is using quake 4 network code.

I got together with a friend to play via our remote VPN LAN connection. Despite the overheads added on by the VPN connection the latency was lower than standard Doom 3 multiplayer. The quake 4 code certainly shows advantages here. Stable pings, smooth game play and despite the latency that was present, it was hardly noticeable during play.

The impressive part of the mod was the progress indicators that forces a player getting a little too ahead to wait for others to catch up before being able to trigger a KEY trigger point. Other trigger points can be triggered by a single player. The difficulty setting is dynamic, where, the monster strength changes based on the number of players on the server. On pure evil, the monsters are too evil to be taken by one player forcing co-operation. The players also cannot spawn after being eliminated unless there is enough health in the health pool. Thus forcing more co-operation and building the health pool becomes important. The Health pool is increased each time a player with 100% health goes over a health pack or activates a health unit.

What I did not like about this mod was that the trigger points that stop a door from re-opening can end up blocking other players. Although this enforces co-operation sometimes it can be frustrating. However, I think that adding more progress control should solve this issue altogether by the mod makers. Players who play co-cooperatively and stick together will not notice this problem.

Give this mod a try. We had to set the bit rate to 512 kbps to prevent connection loss to the server so the bandwidth demand can be high. However on a local LAN, this is not even worth mentioning. If you have a high speed DSL/cable/other connection with a 512 kbps upload, you should be able to host a nice co-op game. I will certainly watch the progress of this mod as I believe it has already proven itself as a good co-op mod and it can only serve to get better. Looking at their website, it looks like they also have RoE co-op working as well.

The mod can be found at http://www.d3opencoop.com/

--Reviewed by Shadow Master

2004 Tasked to write an article on the Doom 3 sound engine on the GameSpy network's PlanetDoom forum.

The writing contained here is years old and GameSpy no longer exists but they are a reflection of the work I used to do then. Some of the links found in these posts will no longer work however they will remain as part of the original work. These posts are under the label: Outdated articles and works.

Doom 3 Sound - This article will discuss several things about the Doom 3 Sound. It will explore the  5.1 definition in more depth, discuss its implementation in Doom 3 and talk about proper setup and equipment needed to get the most out of Doom 3 Sound. Also touch on  Headphone Vs Speakers , who should use what and where is each used better.

    To begin, lets look at movie theaters. Movie theaters sound great don't they. Wouldn't it be nice to have that for a game? Well, we now have home theater systems, and for games theres even more of them with smaller speakers. What we are about to find out is what is it going to take to get the most out of Doom 3 audio. Doom 3 is going to have 5.1 surround sound, this  much is certain. I will elaborate on that further a little later on but, simply put, Doom 3 will bring home theater to PC games more than any other game has. Partly due to Id's reputation for making fantastic game engines and partly because the  Doom  name needs no introduction, it stands out by itself. However, Doom 3's effect on audio will mostly be because the sound engine has had good input from people who understand sound, instead of just a programmers perspective.
Touching on what PC-Gamer had written -- The Doom 3 physics engine will generate the sound effects. It will do this by calculating the sound velocity, where it occurs and what things around it will affect how this sound is produced on a particular object this is happening to. Things like energy absorption, reflection and mixing is taken into account through sound occlusion. For example a bullet ricocheting off a wall would sound different based on the type of wall, whether that wall is in a hallway, closed room and the shape of the room etc. With all these complex computations going on, one would think this game would require some hefty processing power. At least this writer firmly believes Doom 3 Surround is really going to bring the gaming experience to life like never before. The experience would truly be like an interactive movie with things happening all around you, and the eeriness  ambient sounds that would be up there with the best horror movies. Sound plays a very big role in movies and it is exciting to see that technology starting to show up in games. This is going to be a horrifically exciting time for most of us and especially the original doom fans like myself who have played doom since day one. Hearing old demons like we have never heard them before and hearing for the first time, how Id might have intended them to sound in the first place when limited by 386 architecture 10 years ago.

    We have heard a lot about Doom 3 having 5.1 sound. Lets first discuss what 5.1 sound actually is. Contrary to popular belief, 5.1 sound is not Dolby Digital. A 5.1 capable system means that it has 6 channels of output, also known as 3/2 (3 front -thats 2 front and 1 center, 2 rear). The .1 channel is your sub that operates under 120 Hz. When we talk about Dolby-Digital, for example, we are talking about the method by which 5.1 channel is encoded and decoded. Dolby-Digital, for example, is encoded using the AC3 method(you can read more about this on the Dolby Laboratory website). In the gaming arena we have EAX HD from Creative Labs and will play 5.1 channels only if 5.1 EAX encoding is used.

    To realize why we need to pay special attention to our sound hardware when running Doom 3, we need to understand what will make Doom 3 audio special. What will make it stand out from the crowd and different from other games. Touching on history a little bit when most of us remember the old Doom and Doom 2 days, "scariness" is mostly how we remember Doom. It has monsters lurching at you from every corner, which had an effect in itself if you muted the sound. With the sounds, however, the screeching, the howling, just added to it. Especially the heavy clomping of the Cyber Demon. Once you hear that, you didn't need to see it to know what that was. Sound played an essential role back then. The Sound was 2D sound, however, left and right stereo. You couldn't hear what's behind you, or nipping at your ear.
Well, its been 10 years. Games have improved hugely in audio resulting in some games actually coming out using Dolby prologic. But that wasn't enough. Creative brought out EAX with 4 channel, later 8 channels, and some games implement it but none of it is of the caliber Doom 3 is going to be. To quote Trent Reznor in one of the interview videos released some time back, "We want to get inside your head and make it an unpleasant place to be". That pretty much describes the impact the Doom 3 surround sound is going to have. Not just ordinary surround sound, but with the mention of  5.1  it means DISCRETE MULTICHANNEL sound. The louder it gets, the better it is going to be.

    Discrete Multichannel Sound, when talking about 5.1, means we have a volumetric space created around us. Stereo(2 channels) is considered  3-D  because it has left, right, and with the 2 combined, we have phantoms. Multichannel systems are not 3-D they are "multi-dimension". Each speaker is adjusted independently to position a "point" inside this  volumetric space . If you imagine your computer room with a imaginary point. Move that point around the room: left, right, top, bottom, and a combination of all 4. You will start to see the advantage of 5.1 sound. That imp  you thought you ran away from, moments later you will hear it exactly right behind your ear. You will feel (audio wise) the swipe of the hand from the hell knight sweep inches from the front of your face. Maybe hear a box crash to the floor on the next level in a building towards the top right and slightly behind. All of this is possible when you have 5 speakers independently controlled, adjusting that point in the immediate environment you are in. The .1 channel (or sub) is making the floor beneath your feet tremble as a monstrosity approaches you sending shock-waves through your body. Just like in the movie theaters. THIS is what makes Doom 3 Surround stand out from the crowd. The environment is perfectly matched to show off 5.1 audio in a game and I am going to explain how to achieve this kind of sound.

In order to get the most out of Doom 3 sounds, first we have to know what format the doom 3 sound will be in. Unfortunately, Id software have not revealed what format Doom 3 will be in at time of writing. But we do know that it is going to have 5.1 channels. This gives us 3 possibilities: A proprietary software mixing, Dolby-Digital (using Dolby-DICE), and EAX HD. This means, of course, we MUST have a sound card capable of delivering 5.1 channels so a typical 2 channel (stereo) sound card just wont cut it(you will only get left and right sound). EAX HD will most certainly be implemented since it is capable of 5.1. Also owning to the fact that it is a Creative Labs Flagship Technology which is pretty good for gaming, provides discrete multichannel audio and is a good rival for Dolby-Digital. I cannot see any reason for it not being in Doom 3 also owning to the fact that most games coming out have EAX. Since we don't know exactly what format the 5.1 audio will be in, we will refer to it as  multichannel sound  in the rest of this article. We don't really need to know too much about the format its going to be in, because setting up sound to get the full impact is a science of its own.

    So what is it going to take really to get the most out of Doom 3 Sound? Short answer is simple; A good set of speakers and good equipment to run it. The long answer? That is going to take some explaining and technical details so here goes. Firstly I will discuss the full impact using proper home theater setup then discuss cheaper alternatives. The full impact I am about to describe will give you the best experience in Doom 3 sound, is costly and most sound enthusiasts would already have such a package. Generally when you buy a multichannel amplifier, you want to make sure that it is clean in the volume range you will use it in. One way to ensure this is so is to ask yourself how many watts you want to hear. Then double it and thats the size of the amplifier you want. You should never run your amplifier past the half power mark. After half power, the amplifiers start to add distortion and this will just ruin your experience(and will probably damage your speakers). For home theaters a 100 watt  RMS system is sufficient. Be sure to get 100-120 watt RMS speakers to match. The wattage rating of an amplifier doesn't just tell you how loud it can get, It tells you how stable it is in the lower volumes. Ensure that the wattage rating is RMS not PMPO. Component Systems are far better and more skilled than built in ones e.g. 4 in ones etc are not as good as a separate amplifier/receiver. Both the amplifier and speakers need to be good because they go hand in hand. The final sound wont be good if one of them is of a poor quality. Get An amplifier that has both Co-axial Digital SP/DIF input as well as 5.1 component (RCA) inputs.

    With the amplifier out of the way, we come to the speaker setup. This is very very important. Firstly you want a rectangular setup. This means the speakers are set up such that it makes a rectangle. E.G. The front left and the rear left speaker makes the longest side of the rectangle while the rear left and rear right make the shortest side of the rectangle. This is important for acoustics purposes and also helps better control over the positioning of the sound points. The front left and right add the linear left to right positioning of the sound. The center adds the screen depth and the rear combined with the fronts and center control just about every point in the room. The sub ensures that you don't miss a single low level effect such as a rocket explosion. The Sub is not directional and can be placed anywhere, however it is better placed against the front wall.
The type of speakers one should get is floor standing fronts, and satellite rear. The sub should be no less than 10 inch. I recommend 12 inch. The Front needs to be a 3 way speaker system where it has 3 speakers. First is the woofer, the second is the midrange and the third is the high-range(tweeter). Most GOOD cabinets will have 4 speakers where 2 of them are woofers(but are still called 3-way). This is often the best way to go. The rear ones are often the width and height of a mid sized book containing one midrange and one tweeter. The center often has two mid/low range and a tweeter. Placement of this, as mentioned before is very important. First you set up the fronts to give a good balance. Then you set up the center so that it sounds like its coming from the center. Next set up the rear so that there is a good level of surround happening. You will need to adjust your speaker positions several times in order to get the best surround effect. Use a DVD as a sample to set it up. Lastly we want to set the  screen depth . This is done by moving the Center speaker forward or back(not left or right) so that the screen dept sounds good to you. Center speakers need to be chest high for best effect. After this, simply plug in the sub and place it somewhere close to the front wall. All the speakers should not be facing the listening position. Doing so will cause unwanted mixing and limit the sound to one place. The interference will create a good ambiance but not true surround. The speakers need to face each other rather than the listener. EG the rear left speaker should point to the front left speaker(which means when you position the rear, it should be in line with the respective front speaker). And the front should be as far apart as you can get them and still have a  rectangle setup. You will probably want to upgrade your speaker cables from the standard ones supplied to OFC Speaker cables. This prevents high losses in the DB range so it will help create more accurate reproduction of the original material. If you spend some time and set it up properly, your Doom 3 experience will be nothing short of unpleasant(which, for Doom 3, is a very good thing).

    That was The enthusiasts approach but most people will want to spend a lot less and get setups like Creative Inspire speaker sets. These can work too (but not as well as the caliber of system mentioned above).  Like any 5.1 setup, it needs to be set properly for it to be effective at all. The same speaker placement rules apply as above. But since speakers such as the Creative Inspire ones are small speakers, it needs to be placed at ear height, both the rear and the fronts/center. When separating the fronts, keep it in proportion. EG, once you have a rectangle setup and move the fronts apart, move the rears the same distance back and apart. Depending on the acustics of your room you may need to tip the balance of one or more speakers by moving it closer or further than the other speakers. The rear, for example, may have a narrower or wider seperation between them than the front. The Sub in smaller systems is better if its close to your leg (but against the wall in front of you for better BASS). There are a lot of small systems out there but I would personally go for the Creative Package. The problem with cheap packages is the delays. Surround sound systems need to be fairly reasonably quick and in synch so that theres no channel lag that could introduce unwanted reverberation. If you want the ultimate Doom 3 experience from the audio standpoint, a proper home theater set is the way to go. The smaller systems will give positional audio but they can in no way match the more expensive theater setups. It's all about creating the "atmosphere". A system not capable of producing an atmosphere is just a dull multispeaker stereo.

    We know about the speakers, we know about the doom 3 sounds and their impacts and we know about what we are going to need. There is one vital ingredient I did not mention yet and that is the Sound Card. There are many sound cards out there that are capable of 5.1 audio. Most of them are on board cards, theres the nForce cards which are capable of Dolby-Dice. My personal favorite is the Creative Labs range of cards. A Sound Blaster 5.1 card will work perfectly fine with Doom 3 since Doom 3 should have EAX support. Above that we are getting into the big leagues with Audigy 2 ZS which has a signal to noise ratio and THD that rivals most high end home theater packages. Also, it is a safe bet to stick with EAX. Another reason I choose Creative Labs is because their drivers are often very well trimmed causing low latency in games. Yes sound does affect the game a little. Even if it may be by 1-2 fps. From my experience, Creative Labs cards also produce the cleanest sound.

    The Question on a few peoples mind might be "what about headphones?". My suggestion is NO if you want to experience 5.1 surround sound. Headphones will not reproduce the full impact, even from the ones that claim to do Dolby-Digital. For one thing, your output is more likely to be via 5.1 output ports from the back of your computer sound card so your typical headphone is giving you only 2 channels. Headphones is more suitable if you do not wish to disturb anyone around you but continue with the Doom 3 experience. So for temporary solution, headphone is good. Ordinary headphones have 2 speakers; One for the left, and one for the right ear. It is fundamentally wrong as far as producing true 5.1 sound goes, so one particular company decided to affix multiple speakers to their headphone. The Zalman Headphones, which can be found at: http://www.zalman.co.kr/english/product/ZM-RS6F.htm
This headphone seems to show potential to produce a good 5 channel effect. But not the .1 channel. You certainly need a sub for that effect. Headphones cannot substitute a good Speaker setup, but it appears that the Zalman headphones come very close. For this Headphone to work, you will need 5 channel output at the back of your sound card. Again the SoundBlaster Live! 5.1 or the Audigy series will handle them. If you don't have a 5.1 Sound card and only have 2 channel, unfortunately you will miss out on a lot. However, headphones wont do you any good there either. Speakers still rein supreme because they will produce the shock-waves that headphones cant re-produce. When you have that hell knight breathing down your neck screaming its lungs out, I can guarantee you, a set of speakers will really produce that impact more than a headphone. The human mind is a strange thing. Emotions are affected by environmental effects such as sight, smell, sound, VIBRATIONS. Speakers are the best things for the job and the louder the better.

    That concludes this article. I hope you had as much fun reading it as I have had writing it and I hope your Doom 3 experience will be as fantastic as mine will be. Doom 3 will certainly change a lot of things and as you have read, sound is going to join the likes of the Graphics Technology with people striving to get the best they can to enhance the gaming experience. Doom 3 is is going to be leading the wave.